Music Theory Forum is a series of blogs for musicians seeking a deeper understanding of music.  The Basic Components of Music starts with the basics – incrementally advancing from there, while slowly building on previous concepts.  If you are a beginner, go to Recent Posts, start at the bottom of the list and work your way up.  The goal is that by the time you get to advanced music concepts, you will be well-prepared to easily understand them.

Music Notation: I should point out that music notation is not the focus of this blog – as I consider that a separate topic.  However, having a solid grasp of music theory will prepare you for learning music notation more easily.

The Guitar: While the music concepts presented here apply to all instruments, applying them to the guitar fretboard is a part of Music Theory Forum.  In fact, an entire series will focus exclusively on the guitar fingerboard that you won’t want to miss!

This is a Forum – so let’s talk!  I encourage any and all questions.  Using the Comment boxes creates a sort of FAQ that benefits everyone.  Be sure to click on the Future Topics and Music Terms pages at the top, as well as the helpful Musician Resources and Musician Friends links.

This blog is dedicated to you – all you talented and passionate musicians who are beyond inspiration!  My desire is to “pay it forward”, hopefully adding even a small portion back that will further enhance your musical experience.  So, let’s get started – it’s time to jam!