Archive for April, 2010

The Music Theory of Relativity

One of life’s injustices:  you don’t get to choose your relatives! As in life, music comes with relatives.  Every major chord has a relative minor – or you could say every minor chord has a relative major.  Likewise, scales have relatives as well.  In fact, entire keys have relatives!  There’s no escaping them – they’re […]

Intervals: The Space Time Continuum of Music

In our very first post, I noted that music moves in two directions: vertically and horizontally. Music moves horizontally forward in various intervals of time – which we call rhythm.  Simultaneously, music moves vertically up and down in various intervals of pitch.  Individual notes and/or clusters of notes move in harmony in these two dimensions […]

Chords: Pitch versus Quality

This special post focuses on the dual nature of chords. After receiving great feedback from the “9th Chords and Beyond” post, I realized it would be beneficial to discuss in detail the two faces of chords:  Pitch and Quality. Separating Pitch from Quality (or type) is essential in gaining a deeper understanding of chords.  It […]

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