Archive for the ‘Intermediate Components’ Category

The One Thing You Absolutely Must Do…

…to become a better musician! The proper care and feeding of a musician is important for healthy development. There are many things you can do to improve, while there are some things that disrupt or cause bad habits.  It is important to know both of these in order to properly optimize and grow your musical […]

The Music Theory of Relativity

One of life’s injustices:  you don’t get to choose your relatives! As in life, music comes with relatives.  Every major chord has a relative minor – or you could say every minor chord has a relative major.  Likewise, scales have relatives as well.  In fact, entire keys have relatives!  There’s no escaping them – they’re […]

Intervals: The Space Time Continuum of Music

In our very first post, I noted that music moves in two directions: vertically and horizontally. Music moves horizontally forward in various intervals of time – which we call rhythm.  Simultaneously, music moves vertically up and down in various intervals of pitch.  Individual notes and/or clusters of notes move in harmony in these two dimensions […]

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